COME & PLAY: ABTC has junior & senior teams competing in Polworths' regional competition.
All levels represented & all players welcome.
President PTDA
Rhiannon White: 0427 107 065
Anna Dixon: 0438 326 107
Polworth Tennis District Association inc.
"The PTDA association started in 1937 with four clubs participating; Barwon Downs, Forrest, Deans Marsh, and Murroon, with many clubs coming on board in the years to follow.
Barwon Downs’ Bill Maguire is credited with helping the league form.
Bill optimized the passion many players in the region had for tennis as well as it being an important social outlet on a Saturday.
Teams that have participated: Apollo Bay*, Bambra*, Barongarook*, Barwon Downs*, Beeac,* Birregurra*, Colac Indoor, Cororooke*, Deans Marsh*, Elliminyt*, Forrest*, Gellibrand, Gerangamete, Kawarren*, Lorne, Mirnee, Murroon, Pennyroyal*, Swan Marsh*, Warncoort*, CEF (Winchelsea), Yeodene
(*indicates active clubs)
The association continues to grow as years go on, especially with the addition of junior tennis in the late 1950s, which currently represents 400 of our 480 participants. Records show in 1978 there were 24 senior teams and 14 junior teams, with more than 200 players involved.
The Polwarth association has awarded several life memberships over the years for their services and contributions to the P.D.T.A.
These include;
Bill Maguire, Clarrie Schram, Frank Lawrence, Keith Henderson, Allan Chappell, Jack Swayn, Don Nicholls, Jack Henderson, Keith Taylor, and Tony Noble.
A key highlight on the P.D.T.A calendar is the annual Grass Court Championships.
A tournament which was held over two Sundays, which included singles, doubles, and mixed double competitions. This was up until recently, 2014, where a one-day event replaced the past format to keep participation strong with one double event being emitted and finals being played on the same day.
Previously, the first weekend involved singles and doubles final qualification rounds, with the second weekend consisting of mixed and all grand final matches.
From records found there are many multiple titleholders from the championships, counting singles, doubles and mixed title wins.
Among the men topping the list are Khan Beckett (14), Peter O’Meara and Tony Moloney (11), Don Nicholls (7) and Richard White and Peter Dwyer (6). Leading the women are Rhiannon White (19), Lisa Crabbe (15), Irene Kenneady (13), Sue Gill (10) and Temae McCormack (7).
The league recently celebrated 75 years with a formal dinner ceremony and the release of a complete history book
The book:
covers all the leagues and clubs who participated in tennis in the Polwarth region. The night was a huge success and coincided with the Grass Court Championships to present current and past players with the history of the league.
A scratch match between past and present players saw different racquets and outfits from all Polwarth decades, with all players still blaming their ‘tools’ for their mistakes.
The Polwarth and District Tennis Association is a proud league, with many third-generation participants adding proof that it must be doing something right. The league hopes that your Saturdays will be filled with tennis, a large array of afternoon tea, and an enviable social scene for as long as you can imagine. "
‘75 year history of the Polwarth and District Tennis Association Inc and Tennis in the Region.'